Friday, August 16, 2019

Telstra Segmentation

The broadcasted advertisement launched by Tellers a few months ago highlighting the statement â€Å"we are Australian†. D) Electronic Interactive Marketing (internet): When you type in ‘Tellers' on Google, a sponsored link gets displayed on the right side of your web page which display the different sales promotion undertaken by Tellers. 2. The mall target market for all which all these different marketing communication tools are used is the market consisting of Australian people, mainly those wanting to purchase a telecommunication providers service.All these communication tools aim at attracting the customers from this market and making them purchase Telltale's arrives. Although, the actual market targeted might vary for one communication tool to another, however the company uses these deferent marketing tools to target the entire consumer market right from young to old, students to retirees, etc. As a result it can be stated that one of the segmentation variables on t he basis of which Tellers targets consumers is the demographic variable of age. 3.Communication Objective: Advertising (Outdoor Media/ Billboard): This advertisement aims at attracting the consumers to purchase the latest mobile phone (Motorola IV) with a Tellers service. The mall feature aimed at attracting the consumers Is the city search application where people can search for restaurants on the their mobile for free and decide on which place to have a meal. Advertising (Print Media): This advertisement aims at attracting consumers using the services of other telecommunication providers and makes them sign up with Tellers.Also another objective of the advertisement Is that for encouraging people to sign up with Big Pond which Is the broadband service offered by Tellers. This can be effective because the benefits offered by Tellers can convince the consumers to choose Tellers ever other service providers. Broadcast Advertising: The aim of the television commercial is to promote am ong the consumers of Australia that Tellers is indeed an Australian company and to promote such an Image that the customers choose the domestic brand (Tellers) over other International telecommunication service providers (Boatmen). Gun an advertisement can generate great goodwill for the company and play a major role on improving the public relations. Interactive Advertising: Such a sponsored link aims at diverting the attention of the Internet user and attracts him/her towards different sales promotion and offers revived by Tellers. Such interactive advertising can at times be non-productive due to factors such as not appealing to consumers, consumers least interested in it, not seen by the users, etc. 4.A new marketing communications approach used by Tellers could be handing out mobile connections with minimum credit to the arriving passengers at airports for them to use. In this approach, Tellers sets up counters at the airport arrival lounges and hands out the mobile connections to the arriving passengers. At times, when people come to Australia from foreign countries, they do not have a ready mobile injection, which they can use to contact their friends or relatives in Australia.They have to go in search of the retail outlets of these service providers and compare the available alternative. This can be a very lengthy and time-consuming process at times. In place of this, if Tellers provides free telephone connections to arriving people at the airport with minimum credit, it will be able to improve its public relations to a great extent and the image of the company can also improve drastically. However, such a marketing communications approach can be expensive and at times not be very effective.

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