Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Stem Cell Reserch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Stem Cell Reserch - Essay Example These questions are fundamental to our social values and say a lot about the way we think about life. Indeed, I often think about such things. But one important difference between stem cells and abortion is that stem cells have the possibility of extending and improving life. Unlike the abortion issue, the stem cell issue is not a zero-sum gain. Whether or not you believe using an embryonic stem cell for research purposes is destroying a potential life, you must admit that it is opening up the possibility for someone else to live longer or better. That makes this issue more nuanced. Indeed, when all the fact are in about stem cells, it is very hard for someone to believe research involving them should be banned. Stem cells offer some of the substantial and important possibilities in the fields of medical science open to us today. I believe we must seize this opportunity. The world today is more complicated than ever. In part this is because we know more about it than ever before and technology has dramatically shaped our world views. Certain moral questions have exploded in recent years because of the way technology is changing the moral dimensions of our lives. We can now see foetuses in the womb using ultrasound technology and can tell a lot about them and their health early on. We now know that there are certain cells inside the body—called stem cells—that are effectively the building blocks for many different cells. They can become a fetus, they can become a brain cell, or, for example, they can become a skin cell. With the right type of manipulation—something scientists are becoming increasingly proficient at—it may be possible for many previously incurable diseases to be dealt with. There are also great possibilities involving the generation of organs for transplant, among a myriad of other good news stories. Many d egenerative

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