Sunday, August 25, 2019

Technology Forecast Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Technology Forecast - Research Paper Example It is for this reason that smart phone devices are ever power stingy. A Neuromorphic chip refers to minute microprocessors which are configured to replicate the work of the human brain. The neuromorphic chips replicate the functioning of the biological neurons that are found in the human brain. The chips provide an insight on how the brain of a rational human being processes information. If the technology is actualized, it would lead to the development of electronic systems that are extremely fast, utilize minimal power and can easily make sense of sensory input and undertake to deliver in real time the tasks that are user defined (Rothenbuhler, 2013). More significantly, devices that are based on the neuromorphic chip will have the ability to interact with the world in exactly the same manner a human being would. Robotic medical devices will be in a position to track a patient’s response to medication over a certain time period and learn to review the dosage limit and catch other problems just like a doctor would. Just by wearing a smartphone gear, it may work with the brain to establish who one is thinking about and in that instance place a call to that particular person. Alarms in the schedule might go off in the expected time even though such alarms were not preset. . Toby Delbruck and Shih-Chii Liu (2012) observe that conventional technology has always been far outpaced by biological efficiency and it is for this reason that neuromorphic engineering designers have set out to develop electronic systems which have a similar computational style with the human biological system. The authors observe that neuromoprhic engineers are already making notable milestones characterized by the ever increasing number of sensory applications and sensors that have the capacity to communicate through signals that resemble the neural spikes in a human brain. Other pointer towards the expected breakthrough and large scale deployment of the neuromorphic chips

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