Saturday, August 31, 2019

If Money doesn’t Make You Happy; Then Your Not Spending It Right Critique Essay

The belief that money lead to ultimate happiness was circulated among mankind and perceived as the essence of life, this can be seen in the quote: â€Å"Money makes the world go round†. Upon reading this quote , one begins to think that money is the everlasting physical material that brings happiness. However, Money is only tangible and can disappear overnight. William Durant, founder of GM and Chevrolet, said â€Å"Money is only leaned to a man. He comes into the world with nothing and leaves with nothing†. This indicates how one spends this tangible curse to pursue the thought of happiness. Throughout Dunn’s writing, the thought that spending money in a diverse manner brings happiness appears in numerous positions and to emphasis this stand it firstly appears in the title , â€Å"If Money Doesn’t Make You Happy, Then You Probably Aren’t Spending It Right†. Happiness-according to Dunn- through money, can be decanted through 8 different â€Å"Principles†: 1) Buy more experiences and fewer material goods. (2) Use ones money to benefit others rather themselves (3) Buy many small pleasures rather than fewer large ones (4) Eschew extended warranties and other forms of overpriced insurance (5)Delay consumption (6) Consider how peripheral features of their purchases may affect their day-to-day lives (7) Beware of comparison shopping (8) Pay close attention to the happiness of others. These are semi accurate ways spending money the right way and I agree with most of them; yet, some of these point I find quite contradicting. Because the nature of mankind does not agree with such perfect attributes and that one must obtain to have a more enjoyable life. Principle 1: Buy more experiences and fewer material goods. This is the utmost correct statement ever known to man when they want to spend money. The point directs us to a human natural instinct: boredom. Once a human is bored or tired of something, then that person will get rid of that object. For example; a plasma TV was bought , and it is an enjoyable device to a certain point. The TV owner would want to replace that TV with something productive and more efficient. This principle is showing that instead of buying something tangible and replaceable, one should consider something more everlasting like a memory of going to the lake fishing. Memories are not forgotten; they riddle and disintegrate over time but immortal as long as one keeps up with these  memories. Principle 2: Use ones money to benefit others rather themselves. In my opinion, this is only achieved with a perfect world containing angles as its citizens. The reality is that money isn’t spent due human nature † greed†. There are still some saints in the world that are willing to give their wealth to the unfortunate but At the end of the day one must put into consideration that bills must be paid at the end of the month and food must be placed on the table at the end of the night. According to CNN Money Network statistics, 28% of all Americans have emergency savings – savings that will last for 6 months. which means when 72% of the population lose their jobs living necessary will be excluded with if they don’t find another job in less than a month. viewing it from a different perspective ; 72% of Americans live from paycheck to paycheck. With whatever there is leftover it is either going to the person or children’s saving account or for a trip for themselves or family. The author indicated the feeling and satisfaction one gets when helping someone for example donating to others as a warm or irreplaceable feeling. Principle 3: Buy many small pleasures rather than fewer large ones . Understanding this means that smaller pleasures last longer or become more embedded into our mines and life styles; due to the fact that, these small pleasures are more frequent and enjoyable. For instance, one might go out with a colleague for coffee every morning just about every day-supposing that one has an innocent crush on the other; it is better than going to that person out of the blue and asking the other for dinner. first, you have made a common ground with that natural frequency of $5 a day for two cups of coffee- so that means that you are less likely to be rejected completely. second, it is cheaper than one impressive dinner that might be in the $80-$90 dollar range. This is true to a certain point; if you have a family trip every year to the most casual tourist traps could be a lot more cheaper than one big one every two years to some where exotic and fun. I have personally performed interviews with people from the upper, middle , and lower classes. surprisingly the upper and lower class citizens both have the same mentality; which was frequent but cheap trips. The reasoning behind this -in my opinion- is to break the cycle of work, and sleep. Even though the middle class is known to everyone of being the hard working class . looking at the middle class, they prefer one big trip every once a year. this  shows that they first must insure themselves and their family before performing any drastic moves. Principle 4: Eschew extended warranties and other forms of overpriced insurance. People must have some kind of insurance to back the citizens up against any miscellanies accidents from heart attacks to explosions. the problem lies within the citizens themselves. as we hear through the media that almost 20% of Americans don’t have insurance; for instance if a family member had a bad illness then all of the member in that family would suffer the consequences of the medical bill. Due to medical prices nowadays, if you’re not insured than get prepared for the worst once an accident happens. Principle 5: Delay consumption. The very straight translation of this is in one quote: â€Å"don’t spend what you don’t have†. Marketing is a technique to lure the innocent and naive to falling prey to these falls advertising from the big monopolies. this point is the second most important point that humans do not realize. debt is something no one should endure and struggle through; it might be a grace if done once or twice for example: car loans, mortgage, credit cards. however, it will be the inferno once a standard Joe does not keep up with his bills because then all of those payments plus the interest on them will engulf that person till he/she is worn out or dead. Principle 6: Consider how peripheral features of their purchases may affect their day-to-day lives Third most important principle -in my opinion; finding the effects of irresponsible spending on someone’s life. this shows that one must know what they’re going to buy before and the effects of that purchase. There is a local quote: â€Å"Do not shop at a grocery store when you’re hungry†. the meaning behind this quote links most of these principles together; if you shop when you’re, most likely:1) you’re going to buy a lot (2) once you buy a lot then you do not know how much your spending, (3) most of that food you bought you will eat but some will be thrown away. Principle 7: Beware of comparison shopping. this principle shows how one of the fallacies come into place: ad hominem. online shopping lets you compare products from different manufactures and compare them together. wondering how ad hominem comes to place; let’s take this example: Joe wants to buy a car but he does not know what to look for; so he goes to an online website that can compare cars together. The first car he looks at is awesome but it has a leading competitor so the car manufactures put the flaws in that leading competitor car, and vice versa.  they both attack each other than using the positive attributes of each car are. it is a psychological brain attraction; by altering the context of the paragraph -by choosing the right words- the customer is in their grasps. Principle 8: Pay close attention to the happiness of others. this simply means that one must consider other people’s opinions before buying a product or service. this is also considered to be an ad hominem and moral equivalence; the reason is because we rely on hearsay not actual facts. it is a way of marketing to discredit an institution of whatever and whomever it is. The essay shows how spending money in certain ways can be effective to one’s life style; bringing about more happiness according to Dunn through 8 Principles. the problem with that is that human nature most of the time cannot be predictable; so generalizing how one should spend their money to achieve happiness is not the way to going about; more like it is how can one achieve happiness at minimal spending.

Friday, August 30, 2019

How to Solve a Crime? Essay

One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all Brass had on him. He laid a credit card on the bar counter and wished it luck. It only had to bear the price of a couple of rounds, but his salary and his expenses were not on speaking terms lately. It was Christmas in Las Vegas. Every year, it set him back until April. Which was tax time. Which set him back until Christmas. There was a comforting rhythm to it. ‘They have some good single malts,’ Catherine said, and ordered a beer. That was one of the things Brass liked about her. She had class, but didn’t make a man pay for it. Marg Helgenberger as Catherine Willows, Las Vegas Crime Scene Investigation senior supervisor. Catherine is the glamorous commander of a crack team of forensic criminologists It was 4:30am on Christmas Eve, meaning it was Christmas morning to anybody who had got some sleep in the interim, and crime scene investigators Catherine Willows and Nick Stokes had just finished dropping off bodies and registering the evidence they’d gathered at a messy murder scene. The fatal string of Christmas lights was wound around the female victim’s neck so many times the coroner was going to have to cut it from the corpse. The second victim was her husband; they assumed he was the one that did the strangling. With the steak knife in his neck, he’d only had just enough blood in him to finish the job. ‘The weird part,’ Nick remarked, leaning on the bar with his heavy forearms, ‘is the lights around her neck were still on when we got there.’ ‘It lent a certain festive air to the scene,’ Brass replied. Brass’s understudy for the evening, a young detective by the name of Ottman, known as ‘The Otter’ among the wittier senior staff, sat uncomfortably between Catherine and Brass. He looked ill. He hadn’t worked many murder scenes before, and this one wasn’t just bloody, it was ironic. Irony always made things worse. The knife was part of a gift set intended for the dead man. It had his monogram burned into the handle. For the veteran CSI team, it was just another couple of dead people, another raft of evidence and paperwork. Ottman cleared his throat before he spoke, a habit that irritated Brass. ‘There’s nothing festive about people killing each other on Christmas Eve,’ he objected. ‘He doesn’t mean it,’ Catherine said. ‘It’s awful. Every murder is awful. But if we mourn the dead every time we find them . . . ‘ ‘Some do,’ Brass interrupted. ‘They don’t last in the job.’ He fixed his melancholy eyes on Ottman and waited for the message to sink in. Before he could be sure it had, the drinks arrived. Beer all round except Ottman, who opted for one of those Tiger Woods non-alcoholic things that used to be an Arnold Palmer. The kid didn’t even know how to drink. Catherine decanted her beer into a glass. Nick picked at the label on his. George Eads as Nick Stokes. Formerly Catherine’s deputy, he has just been promoted to be her co-supervisor. Occasionally over-emotional. ‘Lot of murders this time of year,’ Nick said, in much the way he might observe it was a chilly night. Ottman cleared his throat. ‘People always get crazy around the holidays?’ he asked nobody in particular. ‘If you’re going to kill somebody, the season of joy is a popular time. Statistically speaking,’ Catherine replied. She checked her watch. Coming to the bar had been her idea: it was too late to go home and get in bed. She’d wake her daughter Lindsay up, and now that she was 18, Lindsay didn’t like early rising at Christmas. So Catherine was pretending it was the previous night, rather than the following morning. Nick had proposed they get coffee and breakfast, but he lived alone and his family was in Texas. He could lounge around all day. Catherine had a full schedule of family events, and breakfast at home was one of them. Brass glanced over at Ottman. The guy wasn’t cut out for this work. He was a fairly good detective. Book smart, but not great at murders. He would be best at property crime, hustles, something like that. Brass’s first reaction to any weak-hearted cop was always to push his buttons, expose the soft parts and toughen them up – that, or drive him out of the department before he made a costly mistake. Still, it was Christmas Eve or morning, according to your tastes, and the poor guy was clearly having a hard time. ‘Sometimes, even with murder, there’s Christmas spirit,’ Brass said. ‘The steak knives were good quality,’ Nick agreed. Catherine shook her head. ‘Go easy,’ she said, observing Ottman’s discomfort. ‘No, seriously,’ Brass continued. ‘Remember that time, it must have been seven, eight years ago, the one with the 60-G watch?’ Nick raised his bottle to his mouth, trying to recall, then snapped his fingers and set the bottle back down. ‘The big guy and the little guy.’ ‘And the dancer,’ Catherine added. She never forgot the dancers. Ottman had his hands folded in his lap, his drink untouched in front of him. He clearly didn’t want to ask. But the others were looking expectantly at him, so he asked anyway, rather than let the silence get too long. ‘So how was there murder and Christmas spirit?’ Brass took a pull of his beer, dabbed at his lips with his handkerchief, and twisted around so he could face Ottman. ‘I’ll tell you,’ he said. It was a warm Christmas night back in the high times when people went to Las Vegas just to get rid of their excess cash – by the truckload. There was still plenty of crime, but it was a different kind of crime, the kind that comes from an opportunityrich environment. These days, it’s the kind of crime that comes from a lack of opportunity. The difference is academic to most victims. Gil Grissom was supervisor back then. There had been various robberies, a couple of fatal accidents and a gang fight that night; nothing serious. Then the call came in, around 9pm on Christmas Eve. ‘The call came in from the Mediterranean Hotel on the Strip. Maid finds a corpse in one of the VIP suites. He’s lying on the floor in his boxer shorts,’ Brass said. ‘Ambulance shows up, medics think it could be foul play, they call us. I was first on the scene, me and a couple of patrolmen. ‘Hell of a suite he had, about the size of Yankee Stadium. Looked like the Pope decorated it. As crime scenes go, not too shabby – especially compared to Latrine Alley, where at that moment most of the graveyard shift was on its hands and knees, looking for shell casings with a flashlight.’ Brass took a swig from his beer. Ottman cleared his throat, but Brass got there first: ‘So we take a right at the grand piano and there’s the victim, in the split-level living room.’ ‘Dead,’ Nick added, in case Ottman was as slow as he thought he was. Paul Guilfoyle as Captain James Brass, a Las Vegas Police Department homicide detective who does things by the book ‘Fatally so,’ Brass resumed. ‘Frank â€Å"Bozo† Bozigian, heir to the automotive floor mat fortune. Big guy. Always rents this same suite, every weekend. He was lying face down on the carpet with his head busted open against this gold-plated coffee table the size of my house. ‘The table was interesting. There were five lines of coke laid out on it, and a stack of $20 bills that would keep a stripper in business for five years. And most importantly, a chunk of meat with hair in it – from where this individual’s head came in contact with the corner.’ ‘An accident,’ Ottman interjected. ‘Yeah, except for one thing: Bozigian’s knuckles are all busted up. There’s blood under his fingernails. Maybe it’s relevant, maybe it’s not, but this guy was in a fight some time around when he died.’ ‘Sounds circumstantial,’ Ottman said. Brass ignored him and carried on, determined to get to the exciting part: ‘So I look around while I’m waiting for these two CSIs to show up, and I can’t figure it out. Looks like Bozigian just fell down and busted his head, right? Death by misadventure. Except he’s only got his drawers on. And when I look around, all I find is a fully packed suitcase in the bedroom. Where’s the clothes he walked in with? Where’s his shoes? ‘Only thing the victim has on is gold chains and a wristwatch, which is one of these Swiss automatics that sets you back 60 grand. Basically, I’m stumped.’ ‘Which doesn’t happen that much,’ Catherine said, and raised her glass to Brass. ‘Here’s to Christmas,’ Brass said, and they all drank. ‘Took us a while to get there,’ Nick said. ‘The other major scene, the gang fight, was a mess. Gil Grissom and the rest of us were working it for hours. When we finally got out of there, me and Catherine showed up at the Mediterranean looking like trash pickers.’ He laughed at the memory. Catherine smiled. It hadn’t been funny at the time. Nick went on: ‘There wasn’t any camera surveillance on that floor, but we got hotel security to secure video from all the elevators. Then we went into the suite. The deceased was a huge guy, twice my size, steroid muscle all over him. Shaved head, tattoo of a pole dancer on his back.’ ‘The tattoo probably scared the maid more than the blood,’ Catherine added. ‘No question about the head injury,’ Nick said. ‘He got it from the table. Scalp is split open with a furrow gouged out of the skin, and on the iron corner of the table there’s a corresponding scrap of tissue with identical hair on it. You could see at a glance this guy hit that table hard enough to kill him. But w e never guess at anything if we can prove it instead. So we take a set of one-to-one pictures of the whole scene. Then we collect the tissue, the hair, the money, the cocaine. Then it’s time to move the body.’ ‘Corpses are always heavy, but this guy weighed a ton,’ Catherine observed. Brass clapped Ottman on the shoulder. ‘It took all three of us to roll him over,’ he said. ‘If you’d been there, Ottman, it would have been easy.’ Nick stepped in to continue the story. ‘The front of him was more interesting, from a forensic perspective. He’d been bleeding, and it had pooled under him and glued him to the carpet, which is one reason he was so hard to move. His hands were clenched into fists. We found some blonde hair caught under a chain on his wrist. Several skin tags. They got pulled out hard.’ ‘He wasn’t blonde, needless to say,’ Catherine added. ‘So we bagged it. There was blood, maybe even tissue, under his fingernails, so we went to bag his hands, too, and that’s when we start realising the watch is a factor after all. I remember the make. It was a gold Vacherin Constantin automatic, and like Brass says, it was worth five figures. ‘But it didn’t fit his wrist. Had a dive-style bracelet on it – you fit those exactly to size on a watch like that, by adding or subtracting links with tiny screws. It was way too tight. So we opened the clasp and found blood on the underside of the bracelet. No lividity where it squeezed the skin, so as far as we can tell, the watch was put on after death. And get this – a patent fingerprint on the crystal. I mean you could see it in ordinary light, it was that clear, and printed in blood.’ Ottman cleared his throat, and Brass suddenly understood why they called him ‘The Otter’. When he swallowed, he looked like an otter eating clams. I t was perfect. William Petersen as Dr Gilbert ‘Gil’ Grissom, Catherine’s predecessor as CSI senior supervisor ‘If there was blood on the watch, did it correspond with the corpse?’ asked Ottman. ‘Did his hand fall under his head, or maybe his knuckles bled on it?’ ‘No,’ Catherine said. ‘But good question. His hands were down at his sides, palms downward, and the blood was all up under his head. His knuckles had stopped bleeding some time before death.’ ‘So the blood either came from the earlier fight, or it came from somebody else putting the watch on him after the guy was dead.’ Ottman nodded as he figured it out. Brass added: ‘That’s not all, though. It was on his right wrist, which makes sense if he’s a southpaw, but it wasn’t a left-handed watch.’ ‘So we looked around,’ Nick said, ‘collected whatever we could, and then I accompanied the body to the morgue. Bra ss and Catherine went to LVPD to file the preliminary report.’ ‘That was it until we had some more information,’ Brass said. ‘So back at Crime Central, I did a little research. Bozigian wasn’t unknown to the authorities.’ Brass paused. ‘Bozigian was from Glendale, California, but spent most of his time in Vegas, always at the best hotels. Looking at his rap sheet, he was one of these playboy types with a fat trust fund that didn’t go as far as he wanted it, so he was always looking for more money. But he was too lazy to actually earn it, so he went for the quick scores: private bookmaking, junk real estate, money laundering through clubs. Most of all, gambling. ‘He loved the cards, so even if he made any money, he lost it just as fast. Got into some wild bets. People got hurt. But he never did a day’s time.’ Nick counted off a few details on his fingers: ‘The assistant coroner determined Bozigian’s time of death to be an estimate of one to three hours prior to the maid finding his body. So I checked out the hotel’s elevator security footage, looking for any visitors to that floor during this time frame. ‘Sure enough, a guy gets in the elevator alone. He’s suspicious because he’s got a towel to his face. Can’t get a good look at him. He rode up from the parking garage, exits Bozigian’s floor. Five minutes later, he gets in the same elevator car and rides back down.’ ‘By now,’ Catherine interjected, ‘Grissom is working another scene, which is a jewellery-store robbery. Apparently this guy drove his monkey-brown Toyota truck straight through the front window of a store on the Strip, jumped out, grabbed what he could, and drove off. Not a real criminal mastermind. They have his plates and everything. Name is Henry Carson. There’s an APB out on the truck.’ Catherine said: ‘Brass and I have ten minutes free, so we decide to go crazy and get a cup of coffee at the place next door. Halfway across the police department parking lot, we see the truck. Same plates, same colour, the front all smashed in. ‘Out gets this little tiny man, smaller than me. And it looked like somebody ran him over with a train. Face pummelled. Blood all over his shirt. He sees Brass, walks up to him, and says, â€Å"I’m turning myself in. I killed a man named Frank Bozigian.† ‘ But how could one of these little people murder a 300lb man mountain with just their bare hands?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Macbeth- The Witches Essay

It could be said that the witches in ‘Macbeth’, are possibly some of the best known characters in Shakespeare’s work. With famous words like ‘Hubble, bubble, toil and trouble’, it is true to say that they have probably heavily influenced the depiction of witches in later works to a great extent. The play derives from a time when witchcraft was something of great public concern. Extreme persecution of anyone found to be practising something that could be interpreted as ‘black arts’ was common in Stuart society. (Old women who kept cats were in extreme danger of meeting the requirements for stereotypical ‘witch’) The play, which tells the fate, of the Scottish royal family, had real-life connections with the Scottish royal family at the time. The character Banquo was supposedly a relative of King James who was the King of Scotland. (Although it has been discovered that he never existed, he was made up at the birth of the Stuart dynasty) The heavy influences of the witches on the play, also matched King James’s interest in Demonology. So the question has been asked was ‘Macbeth’ written for King James? Throughout the 16th and 17th centuries ‘witches’, were terrifying but also fascinating to the general public. During this time hundreds of witches were persecuted, and were hung or burnt at stake. Witches were so greatly feared, because of the apparent ‘powers’ which they possessed, which allegedly included; the ability to fly, the ability to raise storms and control the weather, possession of people, and an ability to kill livestock. However curiously inspite of these powers of ‘deadly destruction’, people took a great interest in the lives and ways of witches. (Rather like Macbeth when he meets them for the first time) Thousands of pamphlets were printed and sold with incredible sales; on a par with those achieved by a popular magazine or broadsheet today. These pamphlets contained gory accounts of witch trials, or sad stories from the victims of ‘witchcraft’. It is quite possible that these pamphlets were a catalyst for the probl em with witches, by making everyone paranoid of ‘supernatural threats’. The cruel and unjust persecution of the witches was based on stereotypes. You may well have found yourself persecuted as a witch for example if you were; physically deformed or scarred in any way, old (especially if you were a woman, as many of the women persecuted as witches were old women who kept cats which were apparently familiars), mentally ill, or even if you just didn’t fit in. In 1604, when Parliament passed an act, making the practice of witchcraft punishable by death, the situation got even worse. In ‘Macbeth’ the witches appear four times; Act 1 Scene 1, Act1 Scene 3, Act 3 Scene 5, and Act 4 Scene 1. Although the originality of the appearance in Act 3 is controversial. It is thought that this scene and the character Hecate (who also briefly appears in Act 4) were not written by Shakespeare and that they were written into the script at a later date. In Act 1 Scene 1, the witches open the play in what is described in the text as a desolate place. The scene is brief, in the conversation that the three witches have, they decide to meet Macbeth on ‘the heath.’ In Act 1 Scene 3, the three witches have gathered on the heath, and are awaiting Macbeth who is returning from battle. When Macbeth and his companion Banquo come by they move from their place of hiding and greet Macbeth: FIRST WITCH: All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, thane of Glamis. SECOND WITCH: All hail to Macbeth, hail to thee, thane of Cawdor. THIRD WITCH: All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter. (Act 1, Scene 3, lines 46-48) After the witches have given this prophecy, Banquo criticises the witches and makes jokes at them calling them â€Å"not like the inhabitants of this earth.† Macbeth however is intrigued but before he can find out anymore the witches vanish. Act 3 Scene 5, is the controversial Hecate scene. In the scene Hecate does most of the talking, and she warns that they should not have done what they did to Macbeth. In Act 4 Scene 1, the scene begins with the witches entering and casting a spell. Then Macbeth (who is now King) enters and confronts the witches, demanding to know more about his future. In response the witches show Macbeth three apparitions which reveal his fate. The three apparitions tell Macbeth this: â€Å"Macbeth, Macbeth, Macbeth, beware Macduff.† (First apparition) â€Å"None of woman born shall harm Macbeth† (second apparition) â€Å"Macbeth shall never be vanquished until great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane shall come against him† (third apparition). Macbeth is pleased by what he hears. The witches then show Macbeth a ‘show of eight kings’, after Macbeth sees this he is angered, and curses the witches, but soon after they vanish. Right from the very first scene the witches make a dramatic impression on the play. To audiences the first scene has a wonderful way of captivating them, generating attention and interest in the play from the first word. The odd setting and droning language of the witches makes the dialogue interesting and unusual. On stage or in the cinema, use of smoke, lightning and thunder effects give an exciting feel to the opening moments. The short length of the scene means that the audience is listening all the time. (Research has shown that most audiences will stop listening after about a minute unless there is something to draw their attention back to the story) Another point about the first scene is that after all the smoke and thunder, the play moves to another much more friendly place, with a normal conversation, between normal people. The comparison between the witches’ supernatural appearance, and the normality of human life, is an excellent way of showing the contrast between ordinary and extraordinary, and good and evil. Which is a contrast that appears throughout the play. One place where these contrasts appear between ordinary and extraordinary is in the witches. Aside from adding their weird supernatural side to the plot they also contribute in a manner that brings the whole story together. If you took the witches away from the play then this is what the storyline looks like: Macbeth an ambitious thane, is returning from a hard fought battle, when he is told that he is to receive the title of thane of Cawdor. Seeing the potential of this new position, Macbeth sets his sights on higher things. Macbeth successfully assassinates the king with the help of his wife, and scares away the heirs to the throne. On the throne Macbeth is a harsh King and, as questions arise about the Duncan’s murder, he becomes a tyrant and many former friends are killed. Eventually his crimes are too much and Macbeth is overthrown and killed by the true heir to the throne. Much as this is a fairly good storyline, when you add in the witches it becomes a great story. (Indeed Macbeth is recognised as a theatrical masterpiece) The witches add many new dimensions and contrasts and raise many questions. Like is fate fixed? What is the balance between good and evil? What the witches do is enter the play and tell Macbeth his prophecy, by doing this they set Macbeth off exploiting an ambitious flaw in his personality. One question that surrounds the play is whether the witches possess Macbeth and make him commit the crimes, or whether they merely use an ability to predict the future, to set Macbeth off. After this Macbeth’s ambition drives him on to commit many murders and a regicide. Well there is certainly evidence within the play that Macbeth is possessed. When he meets the witches for the first time he is obsessed with them and maybe this is the beginning of his possession. Macbeth also shows stereotypical signs of possession in his behaviour and speech: in Act 1 Scene 3 when Macbeth first comes across the witches Banquo says â€Å"look how our partner’s rapt† because Macbeth appears to be entranced; which was a typical sign of possession. Also he shows an inability to pray, in Act 2 Scene 2 he says â€Å"Amen, stuck in my throat† being unable to pray was linked to the fact that according to 17th century folk-lore the possessed was being controlled by a minion of Satan. However there is also a possibility that Macbeth is in fact only ‘inspired’ by the witches when he hears his fate. Then the witches coax him on with illusions, and tricks. Like the appearance of the dagger that leads Macbeth to King Duncan’s room in Act 2 Scene 1, Banquo’s ghost in Act 3 Scene 4, and perhaps the possession of Lady Macbeth. If this is the case then one has to ask would Macbeth have become King anyway if he just waited, and that his fate was fixed that he did become a legitimate King. However his knowledge of his fate led him off course. Whichever way (if either of them) it is definite that the witches were a changing part of Macbeth’s psychology. As has been mentioned, when Macbeth’s fate is prophesised by the witches in Act 3 Scene 1, he is entranced. Perhaps this due to a possession, perhaps this is due to some form of euphoria that has come over him after he finds out that he will become King. Either way he is very serious about the witches’ prophecies and he holds a high view of the witches as they can provide him with information about his future, which to Macbeth sounds very promising. This stands in direct contrast to Banquo’s opinion of the witches; he criticises the witches and ignores their predictions. Later on the scheme of events has played out and Macbeth is on the throne, again by possession or by ambition. By now Macbeth is starting to realise the potential mess he has got himself into, and so he goes to find the witches. After receiving new information, Macbeth is fooled by the witches, into thinking he has some sort of immortality. However he does not ignore their advice and he still respects what they say, so he is not feeling so powerful that he feels he can ignore the apparitions and the witches. For example in response to the apparition’s warning, â€Å"beware Macduff,† Macbeth has Macduff’s family murdered. However the sense of immortality soon fades. When he finds that Malcolm and his allies are marching to Dunsinane Castle, he realises the tricks that the witches have played on him. He sees that the apparitions were meant to fool him into thinking he was invulnerable to death, and he refers to the witches as â€Å"juggling fiends†. Macbeth realises the trap that he is caught in, and sees that he was part of the witches’ game. At this point whatever is driving Macbeth; possession or hatred dies and turns to hate for life. Although Macbeth may have been possessed he did not ask to be, however his wife Lady Macbeth did. Similarly to Macbeth though she could either be controlled by ambition, thinking that she was possessed or actually under possession. Her need for power begins when she reads Macbeth’s letter In Act 1 Scene 5, she (like Macbeth when he first hears the news of his destiny) is fascinated. In the same scene as she receives the letter she calls upon the power of the spirits to ‘un-sex’ her and â€Å"fill me from the crown to the toe topfull of direst cruelty.† (Lines 37-52) She demands that her emotional weakness is removed and that she is filled with the evil intent to murder the king. It shows from this time until Duncan’s murder that she has indeed been filled with this evil. It is she who really pushes Macbeth to murder Duncan, possibly with a little help from the witches. However almost immediately after the King is murdered, this evil leaves her. In Act 2 Scene 2, an owl shrieks, and Lady Macbeth is terrified. Just earlier that evening she had been driving and pushing Macbeth to murder the King, who had just given Macbeth a title for being faithful to the crown! Indeed she becomes so unhinged that she goes completely mad. Some productions of Macbeth have Lady Macbeth playing one of the witches. Some people have also suggested that maybe Lady Macbeth is one of the witches, and that there has been a disagreement among the witches, and the tragic events of Macbeth are in fact the witches punishing Lady Macbeth. The witches stand out in ‘Macbeth’ in many ways, not only in character, and appearance, but also in the way that they speak. Most of the play is written in iambic pentameter, or blank verse. The witches however speak in trochaic verse, which not only has a different rhythm to iambic pentameter, but rhymes as well. The fact that the witches are the only characters to rhyme their speech makes them stand out; the droning chant in the first scene is made really eerie by use of rhyming language, with long syllables. The frequent use of antithesis, which is the use of opposites in the same sentence, is also common within the language of the witches. For example in Act 1 Scene 1 â€Å"when the battle is lost and won† This use of contradictive language sounds unusual, and therefore alienates the witches further. Sometimes the witches also speak ‘as one’; they often chant lines as a group, particularly â€Å"Hubble, bubble, toil and trouble†. This can appear eerie to watchers, as it conveys strength in the form of unit efficiency. Sometimes the witches seem to have a telepathic ability, for example when Macbeth demands to know more about his destiny, in Act 5 Scene 1 the script looks like this: FIRST WITCH: Speak! SECOND WITCH: Demand! THIRD WITCH: We’ll answer. Of course a telepathic ability is certainly not normal, and therefore this also adds to the eerie feel that surrounds the witches. ‘Macbeth’ is a not only an excellent play, but also manages to bring into question various philosophical and moral issues. The supernatural edge to Macbeth makes you wonder about witches and the power of evil. Are there forces of evil, which can influence us? Are good and evil internal or external? The main issue surrounding Macbeth is that of fate. Is it fixed, is our path in life set or can we change or at least influence it? What is the relationship between fate and time? If one’s fate is discovered, will it influence us to either strive for this future, or if we don’t like what fate holds in store, will we try to change it? However you perceive ‘Macbeth’, I believe it is summed up like this. Whatever it was that drove Macbeth, ambition, possession or something else entirely, it poisoned him. People are around whose ambition will be a threat to society, and if you feel it exists, then witchcraft is also a threat to society. Yet de spite of these threats, the forces of good are on the side of the innocent. Order will be restored to its rightful owners.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

How are Wealth and Physical Health Linked Assignment

How are Wealth and Physical Health Linked - Assignment Example It is clear from the discussion that the developed nations have arrived at a new stage in their health care setups. This stage is defined by the provision of some of the most complex medical procedures and services to a section of their population (Pakenham 2004, p. 42). Most of these procedures are required for diseases that are the result of faulty lifestyles. It goes without saying that these procedures tend to be very costly and resources intensive. As a result, the health budgets of most of the developed countries like the UK and the USA run in billions of dollars (Pakenham 2004, p. 43). The developed countries are finding it very difficult to manage this financial aspect of health care. So they are fast reducing the scope and range of services that they provide their populations with (Pakenham 2004, p. 42).  In contrast, in developing countries, millions of people die every year of diseases that are either preventable or can be easily cured (Pakenham 2004, p. 46). The develop ed nations were able to win over these diseases by focusing on the basics like clean drinking water and sanitation (Pakenham 2004, p. 46). However, the developing nations in Asia and Africa lack the financial resources to provide clean drinking water and sanitation to large sections of their populations (Pakenham 2004, p. 48).  The developed nations can get over the resource crunch they are facing by shifting from crisis management towards a preventive approach towards healthcare (Pakenham 2004, p. 43). The developing nations can also benefit by focusing on providing primary health care services to their masses. Many developing countries like Cuba and Nigeria have already achieved impressive results by focusing on primary health care (Pakenham 2004, p. 47). Yet, it is a fact that providing primary health care and running the associated programs requires many resources.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Stem Cell Reserch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Stem Cell Reserch - Essay Example These questions are fundamental to our social values and say a lot about the way we think about life. Indeed, I often think about such things. But one important difference between stem cells and abortion is that stem cells have the possibility of extending and improving life. Unlike the abortion issue, the stem cell issue is not a zero-sum gain. Whether or not you believe using an embryonic stem cell for research purposes is destroying a potential life, you must admit that it is opening up the possibility for someone else to live longer or better. That makes this issue more nuanced. Indeed, when all the fact are in about stem cells, it is very hard for someone to believe research involving them should be banned. Stem cells offer some of the substantial and important possibilities in the fields of medical science open to us today. I believe we must seize this opportunity. The world today is more complicated than ever. In part this is because we know more about it than ever before and technology has dramatically shaped our world views. Certain moral questions have exploded in recent years because of the way technology is changing the moral dimensions of our lives. We can now see foetuses in the womb using ultrasound technology and can tell a lot about them and their health early on. We now know that there are certain cells inside the body—called stem cells—that are effectively the building blocks for many different cells. They can become a fetus, they can become a brain cell, or, for example, they can become a skin cell. With the right type of manipulation—something scientists are becoming increasingly proficient at—it may be possible for many previously incurable diseases to be dealt with. There are also great possibilities involving the generation of organs for transplant, among a myriad of other good news stories. Many d egenerative

Monday, August 26, 2019

Gastroesophageal Reflux disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Gastroesophageal Reflux disease - Essay Example Other factors that are involved in pathogenesis of GERD included the reflux of gastric acid and pancreatic enzyme that lead to injury of the oesophageal mucosa. In essence, the defence mechanism of the oesophagus are in two ways i.e. clearance and resistance of the oesophageal mucosa. Oesophageal clearance plays a significant role in neutralising the acid that is refluxed through the LES. Enhanced clearance reduces the time that oesophagus is exposed to the corroding effect of gastric acid mixtures. The mucosal resistance of the oesophagus offers a protective mechanism and if these defences fail then oesophagitis ensues as a complication of GERD. The Lower oesophageal sphincter (LES) has a significant role in causing GERD. Dysfunction of LES may occur due to transient relaxation of LES and increase of intra-abdominal pressure that exceed the pressure of LES. Delay in gastric emptying may cause GERD because of the increased pressure in the stomach that may overcome the pressure of LES . A Hiatal hernia may cause GERD because it may push LES to move proximally into the chest making it lose its high-pressure area in the abdomen (Kahrilas, 2010). Management of GERD involves lifestyle modification as well as the use of medication to reduce gastric acid. The lifestyle modifications include weight loss, elevating head of bed if experiencing nocturnal symptoms and avoidance of food that worsen the symptoms. Proton pump inhibitors, for example, Omeprazole, Lansoprazole and rabeprazole are the drug of choice in managing GERD. These drugs inhibit the secretion of gastric acid from the gastric parietal cells. H2-receptor antagonists are used in mild cases, which act by competitively blocking histamine receptors specifically those of gastric parietal cells. These drugs include ranitidine, cimetidine and nizatidine among others, they are also used as maintenance therapy to prevent relapse of

Business- Service Operations Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business- Service Operations Evaluation - Essay Example There exists no fast and hard rule concerning this, though sometimes there is a penalty to pay for possessing the newest mobile cell phone on the market. Free line rental contracts The severe competition between cell phone networks explains that they have to give substantial incentives for one to enter a long-term contract. The majority of the chief mobile networks give free line rental deals (Lancaster, 2007.p.19). Inexpensive mobile phone invoices Mobile contracts generally offer more viable deals on texts and calls than the Pay As You Go deals (Cohen, 2008.p.461). Despite the fact that one will pay for any texts and calls over those incorporated in their contract, most citizens find that no matter the network they are using, they still get an inexpensive mobile phone transaction by turning on to a mobile phone deal from a Pay As You Go phone (Mennen, 2005.p.78). Extras and gifts The majority of mobile networks give a range of gifts and extras when a person enters into a mobile tel ephone contract with them. For instance, one may get a free headset or free accessories set. The new trend has seen many exhilarating gifts, thrown in with deals. Of late, one may discover that he is able to receive gifts such as Xbox 360s, iPod Nanos, and play station. A few even give a free laptop. 2. Development of evaluation criteria Average miniature Usage One should keep in mind that it is normally easier to rise in minutes than downward once they enter into the contract. Many people utilize less time, and they should begin as low as they think they can go. However, they should not underestimate their usage as they may get themselves paying astronomical overage fees. One should monitor his usage cautiously and change his plan accordingly. Data handling considerations Smartphone are ever more fashionable, and while it may be probable to depend only on Wi-Fi, the majority of users will yearn to have a wireless strategy for mobile Internet availability on the go. Most of the cell phone providers need a wireless information plan to qualify for the Smartphone (Yuan, 2005.p.17). The usual utilization is not more than 750MB every month, though several users can go well over that in every month, mainly with heavier media use like a video or streaming music. Family and friends options It is ordinary for main cell phone companies to offer free phone-to-phone minutes to clients on the same network. One will need less all time minutes if more of their contacts are also utilizing similar carrier. Likewise, if one has many people in the family who will be making use of cell phones, the most inexpensive alternative would be to put everybody on the same mobile phone plan (Levene, 2007.p. 34). Commonly, one will have lesser activation fees, and they will typically compensate less in every month for extra phones on a similar plan. Making a knowledgeable Decision For one to be certain that he is making the best alternative for the situation, the most crucial thing one can do is to assess the precise needs in terms of texting, minutes, long distance data and other required features (Parker & Crew, 2008. P.35). It is necessary to compare plans on a minute basis or megabyte in the situation of data. One should consider the features and bonuses that companies incorporate with the given plan, such as, worldwide messages, mobile-to-mobile, among others. This will permit one to determine the finest

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Technology Forecast Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Technology Forecast - Research Paper Example It is for this reason that smart phone devices are ever power stingy. A Neuromorphic chip refers to minute microprocessors which are configured to replicate the work of the human brain. The neuromorphic chips replicate the functioning of the biological neurons that are found in the human brain. The chips provide an insight on how the brain of a rational human being processes information. If the technology is actualized, it would lead to the development of electronic systems that are extremely fast, utilize minimal power and can easily make sense of sensory input and undertake to deliver in real time the tasks that are user defined (Rothenbuhler, 2013). More significantly, devices that are based on the neuromorphic chip will have the ability to interact with the world in exactly the same manner a human being would. Robotic medical devices will be in a position to track a patient’s response to medication over a certain time period and learn to review the dosage limit and catch other problems just like a doctor would. Just by wearing a smartphone gear, it may work with the brain to establish who one is thinking about and in that instance place a call to that particular person. Alarms in the schedule might go off in the expected time even though such alarms were not preset. . Toby Delbruck and Shih-Chii Liu (2012) observe that conventional technology has always been far outpaced by biological efficiency and it is for this reason that neuromorphic engineering designers have set out to develop electronic systems which have a similar computational style with the human biological system. The authors observe that neuromoprhic engineers are already making notable milestones characterized by the ever increasing number of sensory applications and sensors that have the capacity to communicate through signals that resemble the neural spikes in a human brain. Other pointer towards the expected breakthrough and large scale deployment of the neuromorphic chips

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Broad rhetorical analysis of Charles Murrays on Liberal Education as Essay

Broad rhetorical analysis of Charles Murrays on Liberal Education as suggested by President Obama - Essay Example It talks about students who are undertaking their education. If it were addressed to students, it would imply that the author was telling them not go for higher qualifications as it does not help. This would be a misguided advice to students. The thing is that students should always aim higher while in school or practice. In support of the argument, the author indicates that university degrees work well for children who come from wealthy families, but not for anyone else who wants to land in a stable job and is not interested in the aspect of education. He states, â€Å"Children just want to know how to get a job that is satisfying and the one that pays well.† He further adds that in order for students to meet their demands, higher education is normally required. However, this should not be essential or necessary anymore if certificate testing is to be used as the best way out. The author used some rhetorical appeals to pass his message across. For instance, when he indicates that college education culminating to a bachelor’s degree works well for the kids whose parents have a lot of money. In addition, he indicates that the system only works well for top students who come from backgrounds that are drawn to academics. The funny part comes when he indicates that most of the 18-year-olds or rather students are not from well-to-do families, are not drawn to academics and are not top students. This is based on the fact that there are thousands of people going through vocational training, but are not poor.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Paying for Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Paying for Motivation - Essay Example Duffy (2010) relates to the present and the expected value of the educational organization, only if it is used to increase the long term performance of the employees. The management of an educational organization should, therefore, come up with strategies that would result in providing a long term and substantial results for the benefits of the stakeholders. Pay may also be associated with the expected performance of the employees but it the performance of the employees is not completely influenced by pay. There are some other factors that may directly influence the present and expected value of the organization as well as the employees. A study was conducted on three groups which contained people with equal qualifications who were required to complete a single task for a freelancing website desk. One group was being paid $4 per hour, while other was paid $5 per hour. The third group was told that they will be working at $4 per hour; however, they were also told that there is some ro om in the budget; therefore they will be paid a little more but the increase in salary will be a surprise for them. The performance of the three groups was evaluated by measuring the productivity at the task. The results of the first and the second group were almost same, irrespective of the fact that one was being paid more than the other. The third group, who was granted with higher surprised pay rate, exhibited 20 percent more effective results than the other two groups.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Urban Planning Essay Example for Free

Urban Planning Essay In his book Urban Geography, Michael Pacione, discusses the â€Å"Future City-Cities of the Future†. In his analysis there are several principles that must be included in the future city in order for it to strive and be successful, â€Å"by 2025 65 percent of the world’s population will be in urban areas† (Pacione 2005) The need for the city of the next 100 years to be sustainable in all aspects is paramount for its success and its citizens to live in peace and harmony. The factors that will play a large part in deciding the fate of our future cities are addressing population growth, the economics of cities, or making cities economically competitive, the effective managing and creation of various modes of transportation and mobility and managing the largest pollutant most inefficient parts of of our cities: buildings. All while maintaining high ecological and environmental standards including proper reduction and disposal of waste . The city of the next 100 years must be successful in managing the impacts of all of these stated areas. I will highlight current cities that are struggling with some of these areas and what must be done for the future to prepare for the next century. I. Population There is wave of urban migration and population explosion particularly in 3rd-world nations. The projection of future growth in Lagos, Nigeria from the current city to the future city is projected to put Lagos as the 3rd largest city in 2015 behind Tokyo and Bombay. (Lagos State Government 2011) To stem and manage such growth city planners and local authorities must be diligent. Below is a picture of the daily traffic in the main city center, this is an example of the current situation when unfettered growth and poor or lack of planning are present. While this may be an extreme example two of the projected largest cities by 2015 are both located in developing nations-Lagos being one of them and Bombay in India the other. The basic needs of the population must be met for these cities to become prosperous for its own success and for its inhabitants. With such large masses of population of people located in nations that currently have challenges handling the basic needs of its people the challenge will be to grow while still addressing these concerns. The solution to this problem of massive population growth and how to sustainability-as a city develop and grow can be found from William Rees from the University of British Columbia. He and his team have developed an ecological footprint analysis which can be used to gauge and measure whether the current natural environment can sustain the growing population. In short, breaking down the consumption of what people use into five categories: food, housing, transportation, consumer goods and services. In addition, there are also land-use categories: fossil energy land, consumed land, food land and forest land. While I will not recite the entire analysis, what is important that can be extracted from this is the characteristics of sustainable future cities, as it relates to population growth. Preserving natural capital, minimizing the ecological footprint (this can include mixed-use development, 3-4 story apartment buildings along commercial streets). (Walker, Lyle and Rees, William 1997) II. Buildings Building and how we are currently operating them in the United States alone account for 40 percent of all energy consumption. The city of New York alone emits more greenhouse- gases, more automobile exhaust and more trash per square foot, than any other U.S. city. (Fettig 2006) In the future city of the next 100 years energy consumption of buildings must drastically be reduced. While there are some new groundbreaking solutions such as The United States Green Building Council that have developed a system of measuring energy consumption of building and providing a rating as to the effectiveness and usefulness of its energy consumption and sustainability. While this may be a great start and possibly a platform or model for future development it is simply not enough. The high cost for seeking the highest standard for Existing Buildings –Platinum has pushed many building owners away from this concept. The sustainability of buildings is not only defined as installing solar panels on the roof or collecting rain water it must start with the design of our work places and homes. It’s changing how we live, how we work, architects must have knowledge not only of the aesthetic but knowledge and understanding of maintaining a high level of efficiency and sustainability. The buildings of the city can and must be an ecological master of sustainability. How we construct our buildings currently are: â€Å"the best possible product at the cheapest possible cost.† (Fettig 2006) An example of this is the construction of federal buildings across the U.S.- most of our federal buildings are large blocks of concrete with little or no efficiency or aesthetic value. The General Services Administration is the branch of government which is responsible for the construction, development and managing all federal buildings. They are the largest developer and manager of commercial space in the US. (Fettig 2006) Recently, efforts led by architect Thom Mane of Los Angeles, he was tasked with developing the San Francisco federal building located at 7th Street and Mission Ave. The building is constructed with no central air conditioning, the building is naturally ventilated. The elevators strop on every 3rd floor with stairs for use between floors. There are no corner offices/edge offices. In addition, there is mostly all natural light only. Below is rendering of the building. While the building may not be the standard from a perspective of beauty or function it mixes both the architectural form and user function and efficiency that his necessary for buildings for the future city of the next 100 years. III. Economic Competitiveness of the City. â€Å"Environmental quality is often cited as a goal that stands in opposition to economic activity. (Skinner 1997) The thinking that sustainability and environmental awareness stifles economic growth is a great myth in this county. The two can go hand in hand, and must do so for cities to grow its local businesses, create jobs for its residents, while also maintaining a high quality of life for the residents of the city. The Porter Model highlights four areas that a businesses must maintain in a city for it to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors. Having a strategic location, local market demand, and integration with regional clusters and utilizing human resources. (Porter 1990) For the next-century city the local businesses must play an important factor in creating jobs within the inner city that will attract residents and help create a better quality of life. Skinner maintains that â€Å"local governments have large-broad powers to regulate businesses and they various types that are allowed to operate, therefore allowing more sustainable and environmentally-friendly industries into the city.† Various particular local examples of this in the region of S. Florida is in the city of Boca Raton. The city has created a local city organized group called Boca Raton Green Partners. The makeup of the group that meets monthly are local businesses committed to sustainable practices and reviews methods that city can take and policies they can recommend to foster a practice of sustainability for the residents and businesses. The state of Florida also has a rebate program for residents to install solar panels on their homes and businesses. Residents can be reimbursed up to 20, 000 for homes and up to 100, 000 for businesses against the cost of installation. This in effect also created hundreds of local jobs for contractors and businesses this may be somewhat viewed as a public/private partnership. Environmental quality and economic vitality can be viewed as a singular entity that can fully support each other for the city to usher into the next 100 years and truly be a future city. IV. Transportation The above picture speaks volumes about the traffic problems most current cities face everyday. Smog, congestion, traffic noise, are just a few of the health consequences of our reliance of cars and the use of fossil fuels. When looking at transportation and the city it is not a one size fits all solution. There must be many options for residents and creating â€Å"accessibility rather than mobility.† (Fettig 2006) Some of the problems current cities face is large investments in highways and roads. For many years local and regional official’s solution for solving the traffic problem was building more roads. Within the city the use the public transportation is the most effective and environmentally-conscious way of mobility. While this is nothing new to many readers what may surprise is that in some cities like Paris, France the local government is taking an active role in reducing the number of cars on roads. There has been a push for residents to use more public bikes, roads have been removed and trains or trams created in their places. These simple steps have allowed public transportation to move 3-4 more times the people on the same road previously used by cars. (Fettig 2006) The goal of the city is to reduce pollutants by 40 percent by the year 2020. By building a city non-reliant on the car for mobility not only will you generate less pollutants in the atmosphere but also a higher quality of life for residents. In conclusion, the future city of the next 100 years has many challenges it faces. But these challenges can also be viewed as opportunities for innovation and change that can bring forth lasting economic and environmental benefits. By addressing these four main points: population growth, building efficiency, economic competitiveness of cities and transportation and mobility the city can be primed for the next 100 years. Works Cited E2. Directed by Tad Fettig. Produced by Elizabeth Westrate. 2006. Lagos State Government. November 30, 2011. (accessed November 2011). Pacione, Michael. Urban Geography, Ch. 30 The Future of the City-Cities of the Future. Routledge, 2005. Porter, Michael. The Competitive Advantage of Nations. Chap. 3, 69-130. McMillian, 1990. Skinner, Nancy. Economic Development as a Path to Sustainability. In Eco City Dimensions, 66-79. New Society Publishers, 1997. Walker, Lyle and Rees, William. Urban Density and Ecological Footprints. In Eco City Dimensions, 96-112. New Society Publishers, 1997.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Christianity verses islam Essay Example for Free

Christianity verses islam Essay The attitudes of Christianity and Islam toward merchants and trade are similar yet different. Over time Christian and Islamic attitudes towards the merchants and trade have changed.  The attitudes of Christianity and Islam toward merchants and traders are similar. A way that these two religions attitudes towards their merchants and trade was that they both allowed being treated better under god easier for merchants to achieve if they were honest about what their trade. In the Muslim Qur’an it states â€Å"On the day of judgment, the honest, truthful Muslim merchant will take rank with the martyrs of the faith† (Doc 2). This statement proves that merchants could be treated better under god if they were honest. Also in the Christian Bible, New Testament (Matthew) it states â€Å"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of god† (Doc 1). This means that it is easier for the honest merchants to enter the kingdom of god than the rich upper-class Christians. All in all, the Christian and Islamic attitudes toward the merchants and trade are similar. As well as the attitudes of Christianity and Islam toward merchants and trade being similar they were different. A way that Christianity and Islam attitudes were different was that some Christians thought that if they gave away their money earned to charity they would be able to become closer to God by serving him, but in Islam they only thought that honesty could get you closer to God. In The Life of St. Godric by Reginald it states â€Å"now he had lived sixteen years as a merchant, and began to think of spending on charity, to God’s honor and service† (Doc 3). Although this statement proves the difference it may be bias because it was written by a colleague of a merchant, this could mean that he was experiencing things different than what they were really supposed to be by law. In the Qur’an it states â€Å"On the day of judgment, the honest, truthful Muslim merchant will take rank with the martyrs of the faith† (Doc 2). The statements from these two wr itings together prove that the attitudes towards merchants and trade were different between Christianity and Islam. Over time both Christianity and Islam attitudes towards merchants and trade  changed. Christianity started off with the Christian merchants not bidding with the traders to bidding with the traders. Thomas Aquinas wrote â€Å"the seller must not impose upon the bidder† (Doc 4). And this change was presented when a letter was written placing an order for English wool saying â€Å"with god always before us, we will carry out your bidding† (Doc 6). Both these statements could be bias due to the writer, the first quote from Aquinas could be bias because he was a theologian which means he studied gods and so he could have wrote more about what the bible states and not what actually happened. Then the letter was written by a merchant which means they could have had different experiences with trade than other merchants. Islam started off with their merchants needing to be honest and ended up with their merchants seeking to make profits and gambling, and gambling for more money is not very truthful. The Qur’an it states â€Å"On the day of judgment, the honest, truthful Muslim merchant will take rank with the martyrs of the faith† (Doc 2). Ibn Khaldun a leading Muslim scholar wrote â€Å"We have already stated that traders must buy and sell and seek profits† and he wrote â€Å"they come under the heading of gambling† (Doc 5). All in all both Christianity and Islamic attitudes toward merchants and trade changed over time. In conclusion Christianity and Islam had attitudes toward merchants and trade that were similar and different, and that both religions attitudes changed over time. A document that was not present that would have been helpful would be a document written by Muslim or Christian merchants because the documents that were written by merchants were written by British and Italian merchants.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Load Calculation Voltage Drop And Size Cable

Load Calculation Voltage Drop And Size Cable Before wiring installation process is carried out, it must follow the rules of Malaysia 1994. which requires all wiring, additional wiring or rewiring to carried out by Electrical Contractor or Electrical Wiring Unit require approval writing from the licensee or supply authority. Wireman or Contractor need to plan and indentify the work want to carried out, so that work can be more clean, tidy and safe to uses. the wireman or contractor should: Make a site visit Follow the guideline regulation from JKR identifies the user load requirement calculate the maximum demand and total connected load determine the equipment submit plants, drawings and specifications 2.0 Regulation and Nominal Voltage in Malaysia 2.1 The Regulation Electricity supplied to domestic consumers must be follow standard specification, which are: MS MSIEC International Electro technical Commission, IEC British Standard , BS the current British standard has integrated with the European standard, BSEN European Standard, EN Electricity supplied also need to refer akta bekalan elektrik years 1990. This act is to provide for the investing of property and liabilities of the lembaga letrik negara in a each company, to make financial arrangement for that company, to provide for matters relating to employee and for other matters connected therewith Guidance notes for wiring regulation can refer IEE wiring regulation by Brian reference for all contractors, technicians and other professionals working in a non- supervisory capacity, as well as newcomers to the industry, all of whom are involved in inspecting and testing electrical installations, and need to ensure their work complies with the latest version of the Wiring Regulations. The installation on equipment and so on need to follow regulation from JKR such as : L-S1 : Specification for low voltage internal electrical installation system L-S2 : Specification for low voltage automatic power factor correction L-S3 : Specification for low voltage underground cable L-S4 : Specification for low voltage overhead line distribution L-S5 : Specification for three phase generator set L-S6 : Specification for acoustic treatment for generator room L-S7 : Specification for single phase diesel generator set L-S8 : Specification for lightning protection system( using stranded G.I wires) L-S9 : Specification for lightning protection system for structures 2.2 Nominal Voltage in Malaysia The official mains power voltage is AC 230 V with the tolerance of +10%,- 6%. However, the supplied voltage remains at 240 V, as the supplied voltage is within the allowed tolerance. Areas that rely on private power companies, like some parts of Penang and Kedah, receive a true 230 V supply. Remote villages which rely on off-grid localized diesel generators (i.e. small villages and/or isolated holiday resorts on islands too far away from the mainland to have viable underwater cabling) may receive unstable power with higher voltages, with some areas recorded to be as high as 260 V Before this, the rated voltage in Malaysia is 240/415V with range +5% to -10%, and effective in January 2008 the rated change to 230/415V with range +10% to -6% 3.0 Load Calculation Each design want to be made need go through the process of load calculation, where the process is calculated from distribution board(DB), sub-switch board(SSB) and main switch board(MSB) A distribution board is a panel or enclosure that houses the fuses, circuit breakers, and ground leakage protection units used to distribute electrical power to numerous individual circuits or consumer points. The board typically has a single incoming power source and includes a main circuit breaker and a residual current or earth leakage protection device. A distribution board may be used to distribute either single or three phase supplies depending on the installation specifics. Although distribution board equipment, layouts, and legislative requirements differ from country to country, the basic principles of distributing a single supply to various individual points while ensuring safety and control for each remains the same. sub-switchboard function is same as distribution board, but MSB is MSB is an assembly of distribution panels, each of which contains switches and breakers that allow electricity to be redirected to appropriate loads. The role of MSB is to divide the main curre nt provided to the switchboard into smaller loads for further distribution and to provide switching, over-current protection and metering for these various loads. 3.1 Type of load Electrical load types fall into four categories: resistive, capacitive, inductive or a combination of these. Few loads are purely resistive, capacitive or inductive. The imperfect nature of how electrical and electronic devices are built causes inductance, capacitance and resistance to be an inherent part of many devices. 3.1.1 Resistive Loads A resistor is a device that resists the flow of electricity. In doing so, some of the electrical energy is dissipated as heat. Two common resistive loads are incandescent light bulbs and electric heaters. Resistance (R) is measured in ohms. An incandescent light bulb produces light by passing an electric current through a filament in a vacuum. The resistance of the filament causes it to heat up and the electrical energy is converted to light energy. Electric heaters work in the same way except they produce little, if any, light. The electrical current and the voltage in a resistive load are said to be in phase with each other. As voltage rises or falls, the current also rises and falls with it. 3.1.2 Capacitive Loads A capacitor stores electrical energy. Two conductive surfaces are separated by a non-conductive insulator. When an electrical current is applied to a capacitor, electrons from the current gather on the plate attached to the terminal to which the electric current is applied. When the current is removed, the electrons will to flow back through the circuit to reach the other terminal of the capacitor. Capacitors are used in electric motors, radio circuits, power supplies and many other circuits. The capability of a capacitor to store electrical energy is called capacitance (C). The main unit of measure is the farad, but most capacitors are measured in microfarads. The current leads the voltage of a capacitor. The voltage across the terminals starts out at zero volts while the current is at its maximum. As the charge builds on the capacitors plate, the voltage rises and the current falls. As a capacitor discharges, the current rises as the voltage falls. 3.1.3 Inductive Loads An inductor may be any conductive material. When a changing current passes through an inductor, it induces a magnetic field around itself. Turning the inductor into a coil increases the magnetic field. A similar principal occurs when a conductor is placed within a changing magnetic field. The magnetic field induces an electrical current within the conductor. Inductance (L) is measured in henries. The changing voltage and current in an inductor are out of phase. As current rises to a maximum, the voltage falls. 3.1.4 Combination Loads All conductors have some resistance under normal conditions and also exhibit inductive and capacitive influences, but these small influences are generally dismissed for practical purposes. Other loads make use of various combinations of inductors, capacitors and resistors to perform specific functions. The tuning circuit of a radio uses variable inductors or capacitors in combination with a resistor to filter out a range of frequencies while allowing just one narrow band to pass through to the rest of the circuit. A cathode ray tube in a monitor or television makes use of inductors, resistors and the inherent capacitance of the tube to control and display a picture on the phosphor coatings of the tube. Single phase motors often use capacitors to aid the motor during starting and running. The start capacitor provides an additional phase of voltage to the motor since it shifts the current and voltage out of phase with each other. 3.2 Total Connected Load(TCL) and Maximum Demand(MD) One of the most calculation basic electrical calculation is to calculate the total connected load(TCL) and maximum demand(MD) The TCL is the mechanical and electrical load that will be connected for that particular area, where all of the electrical loads in an installation be maximized and simultaneously, The MD is the total kW that actually contributes the total power used in one time after applying the diversity factor based on the Total Connected Load calculated. It less than or equal to the connected load (TCL). Value of maximum demand of a building and ratio of diversity factor must be determined so as not overdesigned or under designed. By using MD also, many cost can be reduced as cable size, the size of the breaker, busbar size etc By calculating the TCL, it can know the total load connected for a particular area and also can determine the sizing of cables. But, the most important thing is by having the TCL, it can determine the MD. This MD will be declared to the utility provider for the purpose of meter deposit and utility bill 3.2.1 Diversity Factor (DF) Diversity factor is different or ratio between MD and TCL. the equation can relate MD, TCL to DF is : MD = TCL x DF Should be reminded, to determined DF normally it can not be precisely determined. DF value is only an approximate value only based on the guidance or previous data. The diversity factor is almost always greater than 1 since all components would have to be on at simultaneously at full load for it to be one. 3.2.2 Increase Burden After MD known then it should be added 20% at DB and 30% in SSB or MSB to determine the size of the incoming breaker. This is because taking into account the increase in the load in the future. it is known as increase burden. The specification percent of increase burden: Distribution Board School: MD + 20% Office : TCL Hospital : TCL + 20% Sub Switchboard and Main Switchboard MD + 30% 3.3 Circuit Breaker To provided adequate over current protection, each circuit should be equipped with a circuit breaker for automatic interruption of supply in the event of overload current and fault current. the circuit breaker installed in a circuit should break any fault current flowing in the circuit breaker before such current causes danger due to thermal or mechanical effect produced in the circuit or the associated connection. the characteristics of the breaker shall satisfy the condition that the breaking capacity should be greater than or equal to the prospective short circuit current or earth fault current at the point at which the breaker installed The rated current of a circuit breaker is the current that it can carry continuously, generally for a duration of more than eight hours. The rated current must not cause a temperature is between -5C to 40C. Different temperature rise limits are specified for different parts of a circuit breaker. A circuit breaker will not operate (Trip) if the current passing through it is 105% to 113% of its rated current. It will take one or two hours to trip if the current passing through it is 130% to 145% of the rated current. 3.4 Type of Circuit Breaker need to be determined 3.4.1 Miniature Circuit Breaker(MCB) MCB are used extensively for the protection of final circuit in domestic and commercial installations. they offer these circuit protection, particularly when overload or short circuit conditions are being considered than the fuse alternatives. MCBs are available for both single phase and three phase circuit. In a single phase circuit, a single MCB may be used in the live conductor or a two-pole MCB connected in the live and natural conductor. three or four pole MCBs are used for protection in three phase supplies. If a fault current flow through even one pole of an MCB, all the three poles will be operated. The main standard for MCBs in BS 3871. This standard covers MCB ratings up to 100A, breaking capacities up to 9 kA and voltage ratings up to 415V The preferred value of the rated current are : 6, 8, 10, 13, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100, and 125A Instead of specifying the breaking capacity, the standard specifies the value of the short circuit capacity. the short circuit capacity refers to the prospective current expressed by its r.m.s value which the MCB is designed to make (closed), to carry for its operating time and to break under the specified conditions. the standard value of rated short circuit are 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6 and 10kA. for values above 10kA up to and including 25kA, the preferred value 20kA 3.4.2 Moulded Case Circuit Breaker(MCCB) Moulded case circuit breaker(MCCB) are required for installation which have higher fault level or higher current ratings exceeding 125A. MCCBs have several advantages over ordinary switches and fuses in the control and protection of circuit and apparatus. they have a repeatable non-destructive performance and are safe in operation under fault conditions. it has built-in mechanism to simultaneously open all three phases for a single phase fault. These circuit breaker are mainly used to protect main feeder cables, for incoming supply to sub circuit/distribution boards and for large motor circuit. for installation, MCCBs are suitable as free standing units, or for building into compact cubic-type switchboards. Auxiliary items such as shunt trio elements, status switches, interlocks and motor-operated mechanism for remote operating can all be integrated into the MCCB. The main industrial standard for MCCBs are BS EN 60947-1 and BS EN 60947-2. these two standard define the characteristics, conditions for operation, methods for testing and the requirements for circuit breaker with rated voltages up to and including 1000V a.c or 1500 d.c. As there are no other standard values specified in BS EN 60947, the followings are some typical technical data for reference : Current rating : 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 50, 63, : 80, 100, 200, 300, 400, : 630, 800, 1250A Rated voltage : 380, 400, 415V Rated breaking capacity : 10, 20, 25, 35, 65, : 85kA(r.m.s) Rated making capacity : 17, 44, 53, 63, 84, : 143kA(peak) One minutes power frequency withstand voltage : 2.5kV 3.4.3 Residual Current-operated Circuit Breaker(RCCB) The Residual Current-operated Circuit Breaker(RCCB) are primarily designed to protect against indirect contact electric shock. The term indirect contact refers to the contact of the supply voltage indirectly through the touching of the exposed-conductive-part such as the metalic enclosures of electrical appliances, the metallic conduit, trunking or cable tray. These exposed-conductive-part are insulated from the live conductor and are connected to the earthing terminal and thus, should be at the earth potential. However, during an earth faults, as there is an earth fault current flowing from the love conductor through the exposed-conductive-part to the earth, the exposed metalwork may be at high potential relative to earth. touching the exposed- conductive-parts at this instance may cause an electric shock if its potential to earth exceeds 50V. Furthermore, id it is a high impedance earth fault, the magnitude of the earth fault current may not activate the overcurrent protective device. Thus, a current will continue to flow to earth, possibly generating heat and causing fire. RCCB is designed to detect such a residual current (ie. earth leakage current), to compare it to reference value and to open the protected circuit when the residual current exceeds this reference value. RCCBs are not designed to have a high breaking capacity and in fact, they have only a limited breaking capacity. They are therefore, not a replacement for other overcurrent protective devices which are designed to interrupt high fault current. There are four standard for RCCBs namely, BS4293, IEC 755, IEC 1008- 1 and Singapore standard SS 97. Based on IEC 1008, RCCBs are specified as follows: Preferred rated voltage : single phase, phase to neutral : 230V :three phase, three wire :400V : three phase, 4 wire : 400V Preferred rated current, IN :10, 13, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 63, 80, 100, 125A Rated residual operating current,IË„N : 0.006, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5A Standard value of residual non operating current : 0.5 IË„N minimum value of the rated making and breaking capacity :10 IN or 500A whichever is greater Rated condition short circuit current : 3, 4.5, 6, 10, 20kA Maximum break time : 0.3s for residual current equal to 0.5 IË„N : 0.15s for residual current equal to 20.5 IË„N : 0.04s for residual current equal to 50.5 IË„N 0.004s for residual current to 500A 4.0 Voltage Drop Voltage drop difference in voltage from one point in a current path to any other point in the same current path. Voltage drop is the result that happens to a voltage value when it meets with resistance in any current path while current is flowing, it only happens when flowing current meets resistance in a current path, the higher the value of current flowing, the higher the voltage drop across any conductor, connection, or contact in the current path. Based on Ohms law; it takes one volt to push one amp through one ohm of resistance. The location of a voltage drop in a parallel circuit determines the affect it will have on the loads that are in parallel. When a voltage drop occurs before, or ahead of the last parallel splice in a parallel circuit, it will provide less than source voltage to all loads in parallel beyond the last parallel splice. When a voltage drop occurs after the last parallel splice in a parallel circuit, the same value of voltage drop has an identical affect on the load in the affected branch whether it appears on the voltage feed side, or on the ground side of the branch load. When current flows through the cable, the voltage drop will result. This is based on a formula : V = I x R ; I = current flows through the cable R = Resistance of the cable Based on requirement of IEE wiring regulation 525-01-01. The voltage drop between the origin of the installation (usually the supply terminals) and terminals of the fixed current using equipment does not exceed 4% of the nominal voltage of the supply. The voltage drop for building must make sure it not more than 4% depend to nominal voltage, where : 4% of 1ÃŽÂ ¦ = 4% of 240 V = 9.6 Volt 4% of 3 ÃŽÂ ¦ = 4% of 415 V = 16.6 Volt The voltage drop for outside building, must not exceed 20V from nominal voltage 4.1 The Voltage Drop is Closely Related with Size of Cable Most circuits in a house do not have enough current or length to produce a high voltage drop. In the case of very long circuits, for example, connecting a home to a separate building on the same property, it may be necessary to increase the size of conductors over the minimum requirement for the circuit current rating. Heavily-loaded circuits may also require a cable size increase to meet voltage drop requirements in wiring regulations. Voltage drop and size cable can related with equation : VD Total of voltage drop Vd Voltage drop on cable mV/A/m In Rated current of breaker (A) L Length of Cable (meter) 5.0 Cable In electrical engineering cables are used to carry electric currents. Cables are the mean by which electrical energy is distributed from its source to its point of use. Copper wires in a cable may be bare, or they may be plated with a thin layer of another metal, most often tin but sometimes gold, silver or some other material. Tin, gold, and silver are much less prone to oxidation than copper, which may lengthen wire life, and makes soldering easier. 5.1 Insulation The insulation surrounds each conductor to prevent direct contact between individual conductors and earth. Type of insulation will depends on the voltage, the operating temperature of the conductor and the mechanical and environmental condition affecting the cable during both installation and operation. Type of insulation material: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Rubber Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) Powdered mineral Oil impregnated paper tapes 5.2 Type of conductor PVC, PVC/PVC XLPE, XLPE/PVC (>25 mm2) PVC/SWA/PVC XLPE/SWA/PVC (>25 mm2) Fire Rated Cable MIMS (Mineral Insulated Mineral Sheathed Copper Conductor) MICC (Mineral Insulated Copper Clad Copper Conductor) 5.3 Installation method GI Conduit PVC Galvanised/H.D.G. Trunking PVC Hot Dipped Galvanised Perforated Cable Tray PVC/PVC, XLPE/PVC, PVC/SWA/PVC, XLPE/SWA/PVC Hot Dipped Galvanised Cable Ladder PVC/PVC, XLPE/PVC, PVC/SWA/PVC, XLPE/SWA/PVC 5.4 Cable type and selection The current carrying capacity of a cable must be sufficient to cater for the maximum sustained current which will normally flow through it. The insulation must be adequate to deal with the voltage of the system and must not be damaged by the heat produced by the current flow, high ambient temperature or by heat transferred. Cable selection therefore is primarily related to the size of the cable which will carry the required current without the temperature of the surrounding insulation rising above a critical level which will result in the breakdown of the insulation. 5.5 Current rating of cable The current rating of cable is determined by a number of factors: Ambient temperature Maximum allowable conductor temperature Conductor material insulation material Installation method 5.6 Determine the Size cable The proper sizing of an electrical (load bearing) cable is important to ensure that the cable can: Operate continuously under full load without being damaged Withstand the worst short circuits currents flowing through the cable Provide the load with a suitable voltage (and avoid excessive voltage drops) (optional) Ensure operation of protective devices during an earth fault Selected the size cable can base on : In à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥ Ib Iz à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥ In Iz à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥ In à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥ Ib * In rated current Iz rated current of cable Ib design current

Human Resource Management at Delphi Essay -- HR HRM

Human Resource Management at Delphi Human Resource Management is the utilization of human resources to achieve organizational objectives. Various studies have concluded that an organization?s human resources is its people. It can be a significant source of competitive advantage. Achieving competitive success through people requires a fundamental change in how managers think about an organization workforce and how they view the work relationship. It's a new approach within the framework of organizational, behavior that goes beyond the role of just personnel administration. I have learned How job analysis is a systemic process of determining the skills, duties and knowledge required for performing jobs in an organization, How compensation includes all reward that individuals recovery as a result of their employment, and The Occupational Safety and Health is an approved state occupational safety and health program. With today?s work force becoming increasingly diverse, a organization must do more to maximize the benefits of the different employees. Human Resource Managers are evolving from the ?Old School? sideline player to the front line fighters. People have always been central to organizations, but their strategic importance is growing in today?s society. Whereas the human resource inventory is concerned with telling management what individual employees can do, Job Analysis is more fundamental. It defines the jobs within the organization and the behaviors that are necessary to perform the job. It is essential and pervasive human resource technique. The purpose of job analysis is to obtain answers to six important questions: 1) What physical an mental tasks does the worker accomplish? 2) ... ...a hazardous tag on it, if it?s hazardous. The organization needs a system that can control the containers. When a person checks out the container, that same person should check it in at the end of the shift. This will ensure proper labeling of the containers. In conclusion, all these things can be benefical to an organization if utilize in proper context. I have learned How job analysis is a systemic process of determining the skills, duties and knowledge required for performing jobs in an organization, How compensation includes all reward that individuals recovery as a result of their employment, and The Occupational Safety and Health is an approved state occupational safety and health program. Whether an organization choose to implement high performance work practices or the organization has qualified people to perform the work that needs to be done.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Racism Essay -- essays research papers

What is Racism?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Racism is one of those unusual things which seem to escape the understanding of clear and to the point definition. Racism is a system of racial discrimination and prejudice. The concept of race as classifying people can be seen as misleading people and prejudicial as far as it’s involved in the quality of human life. The term race has been quite confusing because of its four principle connotations. 1. Physical anthropologists have called races the various subspecies of the human race characterized by certain phonotypical and genotypic traits. 2. Laymen have profusely used the word race to describe a human group that shares certain cultural characteristics such as language or religion. 3. Race has been loosely used as a synonym for species. 4. Many social scientists describe race as a human group that defines itself and/or is defined by other groups as different from other groups by moral excellence of having an essential characteristics and unchangeable characteristics.(Van den Berghe, Race and Racism pg. 42) The last key term to define racism is any set of beliefs that organic, genetically transmitted differences between human groups are associated with the presence or the absence of certain socially relevant abilities or characteristics, hence that such differences are a legitimate basis of invidious distinctions between groups socially defined as races. Racism in America There is no nation in the world that sees â€Å"racis...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Utah Family Center :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We chose to learn about, evaluate and present the Utah Family Center. The goals of this paper are; to explain the logistics of the program, to tie together what we learned with Epstein’s Framework, to describe the climate and those who typically utilize the center, and include some final concluding thoughts about the center. As a group, we referred to the Utah Family Center website, we visited and walked thru the center, and we talked to great lengths with the personnel. We were able to take pamphlets and we took digital pictures of the center to utilize in our group presentation. We worked together to write this report about the Utah Family Center. LOGISTICS   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Utah Family Center is located at 5192 Greenpine Drive (460 West) in Salt Lake City, Utah in the 84123 zip code. The telephone number is (801) 266-6166. The hours and days of operation are 9:00AM until 4:00PM Monday thru Friday. When special classes are offered, they are usually on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:30PM until 8:30PM. When one particular class is offered, it is on Saturdays. Their website is, and their e-mail address is The Utah Family Center started small but increased in size once they received grant funding six years ago, and with the help of the PTA and the Utah Department of Education. They share office space with the Utah PTA Headquarters. This particular location is the statewide administrative center, and there are different branches of the Utah Family Center that they refer to as satellite centers. There are nine satellite centers, and they are located in Logan, Price, Kaysville, Monument Valley, downtown Salt Lake City, Tooele, Provo, St. George, and Ogden, Utah. The satellite centers range in size depending on the area they are in, as well as the times they are open. The statewide administrative center is equipped with a large boardroom upstairs (seats 40) and a small one downstairs (seats about 12).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The staffing consists of the Director, Barbara Smith, her secretary, a financial advisor, a counselor, other assistants, workshop teachers, and numerous PAT (Parents as Teachers). The Director manages the center. The classes are directed by nationally certified trainers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Utah Family Center is funded through repeated PIRC (Parent Information & Resource Centers) grants from the United States Department of Education Office of Innovation & Improvement. A PIRC grant is based on helping low performing schools that struggle, with the â€Å"No Child Left Behind† concept a main focus.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Myths of the Native American Cherokee Tribe

Myths are sacred to all Native American Tribes, and the two popular myths for the Cherokee Indian tribe is The Creation Myth, which explains how the world was made, and the other myth is The First Fire which is about how the fire was discovered. The Cherokees are a very large and powerful American Indian tribe and has a lot of history background and interesting facts. They use their cultural myths in their day to day lives in many different ways. The creation myth is used more in their religion beliefs than the first fire is, but they both are similar with each other. The Cherokee Indians have a personal and trusting relationship with the earth, animals, and Plants to show that they love the earth and trust in it. The creation myth is about how the world was made in the Cherokee Indians point of view. This myth explains how the world was created and all the background information about it, and how and why we have mountains and valleys. The Indians believe that â€Å"The earth was a great island floating in a sea of water, suspended by a cord at each of the four cardinal points, hanging down from the sky vault, which is solid rock†, (Cherokee Beliefs Creation Of Earth), nd they fear that once everybody dies on this earth the earth will go back underground like it was before everyone was created. There was a arch floating on this island of water with a few animals aboard, and on this arch was a little Water-beetle, who went on a journey to see what was under the water, and what he discovered was some mud. The mud some how created a soft surface so that the animals could then walk on, which became the earth which was flat and very wet at first. All of the animals were very anxious to see if the ground was ready to walk on, so each bird on the arch was sent on to check, but they could not find a place to land. Each time something was discovered or complete they would send out a different animal to do that task to help get the earth ready to live on. The father of all Buzzards than flew out to get everything ready, he is the one who made the valleys and mountains. This happened when the Buzzard got very tired of flying, when he was in the Cherokee country his wings would touch the ground Ahich turned into a valley than it turned in a mountains. The sun was created after the earth was dry, the animals saw that it was still very dark. So then the animals got the sun in track so it would come up each day across the island from east to est. The first inept didn’t work due to it being really hot, it took a different animal and seven attempts to get the sun in the sky at a just enough spot. The Indians believe that there is another world under the one we live in. They call it the underground and they say everything down there is the same with animals, plants, and people, the only thing different is the seasons they have. Its not known to whom and when the animals and plants were made, but they were a great use of help when the earth was being created. The animals did a lot of work on trying to get everything in order so they could have some where to live. The plants and animals had to stay up seven nights to test their abilities. Only the owl, the panther and two other animals were able to stay up the full seven nights and were rewarded with the powers to see in the dark and stay awake at night. The tree’s that were able to stay up was the Cedar, the Pine, the Spruce, the Holly and the Laurel, they were giving the ability to always stay green and to be the greatest medicine. Men were created after the plant and animals were. First there was just a brother and sister that was living on earth and then the brother. Then one day he made her multiply by striking her with a ish, which she did. In seven days there was a baby and then every seven days another baby was born. It came to a conclusion that earth couldn’t keep all of the babies, because there were too many and it was dangerous. That’s how it came about that its more healthy for women to only have one child in a year. The animals and people were at one point living in harmony with each other, but then the humans speeded all over the earth and there wasn’t enough room for the animals or plants. Then the animals declared a war against the humans, the animals were really mad, so they each chose a disease to send the humans to make them ill or die. The plants were the only things that was still pure and harmless to one another, they were friendly to both men and plants but, â€Å"when the plants, who were friendly to man heard what had be done by the animals they determined to defeat the latter’s’ evil designs†(Conley pp. 10. After the trees defeated the plan that was made, they cured the humans with their medicine from themselves. The first fire myth explains how fire came about and who was discovered it. In mythology, fire appears both as a creative, cleansing force and as a destructive, punishing one, although positive aspects of fire generally outweigh negative ones. The fire was first made by some thunder that sent their lighting to a empty sycamore tree that was on a island which caught on fire. The earth was really cold, and when all the animals saw that there was fire they did everything they could to get to it. Since the fire was on a island only certain animals could try to retrieve the fire. The Raven had tried first because he was so strong he tried to bring back the fire, but he failed. In the process in trying to bring back the fire, the Raven got all of his feathers scorched black so he flew back. After most of the animals that could fly tried to get the fire failed nd got hurt in the process, none of the other animals that could fly didn’t want to try, because they were afraid. The next animal that tried was the black racer snake, he swam under he water and came up from the bottom of the tree where there was a hole at, and he made up it up the tree. The snake almost had the fire, but it burst in flames in his face and he fell in the hole and climbed out just into, but he got turned all black. By then all of the animals were afraid to try to get the fire, so the animals held a council to see what they should do next, and the rest of them made up xcuses why they couldn’t try to go retrieve the fire. The last brave animal that was willing to make the trip across the island was the water spider. For her journey she weaved a bowl and put it on her backed to carry back the fire in. she crossed over the island and came back with a piece of coal in her bowl still burning. The water spider still wears the bowl strapped around her body to remind everybody how she got the fire. Cherokee Indians were one of the largest native American group in the Unites States. They were one of the most important tribe in the United States and the most civilized. They riginally came from the southeastern region of the United States. The Cherokee people also lived in different parts of the United States, such as Georgia, North and South Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee. The location of the Cherokee Indians changed in the 1800’s, due to the Trail of Tears. The Trail of Tears is also known as Indian Removal, is when the government created an Indian territory in Oklahoma, and sent all the Eastern native Americans to live there. The Cherokee people were treated really badly and some died on the long journey to Oklahoma, which resulted in the deaths of 4000 Cherokees. The name Cherokee comes from a Muskoge word meaning speakers of another language, and is pronounced Tsalagi in their language, but the Cherokee language belongs to the Iroquoian . The Cherokee originally called themselves Aniyunwia which means the principal people. The roles of the men and women Cherokee tribe were like their distant cousins the Iroquois. The Cherokee men and women were equal to each other, they had the same amount of power as each other. The men did the hunting, war and diplomacy. For hunting the men would make their own and weapons by hand, the material they used was tomahawks. When the Cherokee man hunters would prepare to hunt for their food, they would pray to the animals to ask for forgiveness from them, than they would continue to hunt, â€Å"Man fasted prayed before hunting, and then offered thanks in a ceremony after killing an animal; on returning to their village, they shared the meat, used all parts of the animal, and often danced to honor the animal†, (Cherokee Indian Heritage and History). The Indians were thankful for the animal that gave them food, but They also felt bad so they honored them to show their appreciation to the animals and earth. Cherokee man would use blowguns to catch birds and sometimes to play a small game. They were good with building things also, building canoes and house frames and roofs. The women in the tribe duties was to be in charge of farming, property, and taking care of their families. The women also made their own tools, they wove mats, blankets, clothing and pottery. When the time came for making important political decisions in the Cherokee tribe the men would step in and play the important role, and when it came down to social decisions for the clan they would be the women place to step in and make the decisions. In the modern time in the Cherokee history women couldn’t be chiefs or anything in higher power, only landowners, and the man could only be the chiefs. Times have changed in the Cherokee tribe and now woman can be chiefs, but some Indians still prefer the traditional way to live. Some activities both genders did in the Cherokee tribe was artwork which is making drums and rattles, music which included them dancing to their traditional songs, storytelling and traditional medicine the pure healing. The Indians were really serious about their ways of healing themselves and others in their tribe. The Cherokee’s would have big ceremonies relating to this process of healing and forgiving with their traditional ways and beliefs. The Cherokee’s religion and beliefs are based up on the protective spirits of the upper world to help them keep balance and harmony on earth, and it connects to the creation myth in a Many different ways. The Cherokee Indians did a lot of rituals, prayers, and ceremonies giving thanks to the earth, plants and animals. They use the creation myth as guide to lead them through their lives. This myth means a lot to the Cherokee Indians and their religion. Even though the Cherokee Indians don’t use the term religion to describe the rituals, ceremonies, the cleaning of their bad feelings, and all of their other daily life styles, every part of their world had some scared connection or religious meaning to it. They began their day and end their nights with daily prayers, rituals, and seasonal ceremonies to deal with their problems and receive guidance and forgiveness from the earth. The Cherokee did a lot of rituals and ceremonies about how to rid all the bad feelings and getting the earth and animals to forgive them. They did special rituals for the animals they have killed â€Å"a hunter was required to follow ertain prescribed rituals, and to apologize to the spirit of the animal he killed† (Conley pg. 7). One of the rituals they did was Going To The Water, the purpose of this ritual is to help get rid of any bad feelings they may have and renew them in a positive way so they can began a fresh start with a clear mind. They began by stepping into a river or creek facing east, and dipping their bodies under the water seven times to come up with a clear mind, â€Å"they prayed to the sevens directions: the four cardinal points, the sky, the earth, and the center-the spirit†, (Cherokee Indian Heritage and History). This was performed by men, women, and children. Another ceremony the Cherokee’s used was called the called The Green Corn Ceremony, which was used to help give them a fresh start and seek forgiveness for their quarrels and any crime they did. This ceremony was held each year at harvest time. The meaning of this ceremony was to forgive one another and get forgiveness from the earth from what they did in their past year. In conclusion the Cherokee Indian were a very powerful tribe, who live their lives by many myths and traditional rituals, which is very sacred to them. They focus on all of the good things in life, they are very respectful and thankful for a lot of things. To show thanks they usually do ceremony or a traditional ritual. The Cherokee Indians have a lot of balance and harmony in their lives. Cherokee Indians have a lot of love for the earth, plants and the animals, most of there stories, rituals, ceremonies, and legends are based upon those three things they love and respect the most. Animals, earth, and the plants all give something to the Cherokee Indians that they can use feed, nurture and protect their tribe.